Tuesday, February 2, 2010


So I was thinking if there is anyone out there who , like me, would like to get published.
So if you are done writing your novel, unlike me, then, Congratulations!
You have successfully survived stage 1# Writing, and stage 2# Editing.
Yes you have faced and defeated The Mighty Dragons of Failure and The Wizards of the Imaginary Writers Block.
You are now entering stage 3# Publishing.
Okay, okay.
I know what your thinking:
Well, DUH! Of course, Anjali!
Of course, I'll just go walk to the publishing agency down the block and show them my manuscript and I'll be published!
Well, let me just say it is NOT that simple.
Really, you thought fighting those dragons and wizards was tough, well, let's just say everything you thought, is about to change.
So first of all I have to tell you, if you thought the example that I wrote about the going to the agency and just saying you wanna get published would actually work, than you have a lot to learn.
Okay, first, I would recommend looking for a literary agents at http://www.agentquery.com/
There you will have to find literary agents for your book genres and after you find some agents, you will have to write a query letter, and they tell you how to do that on agent query.
You'll probably get a few rejections, I mean even the greatest authors ever have had rejections.
So yup.I haven't actually gotten that far yet, so I don't exactly know what comes next.
Well, see 'ya,